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Simplification and Possible Registration of Nonbanks on CFPB Rulemaking Table

CFPB rulemaking was the subject of a new blog post by Director Chopra published last week titled “Rethinking the approach to regulations.”

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Take the TransUnion key industry trends survey and get benchmarking data in return

The fourth annual TransUnion and Aite-Novarica Group collections-industry survey is now open. Take the short survey and, once results are released, find out about how communications and technology, and other key trends, have changed over the past year. Survey participants will receive an exclusive, early copy of survey results they can use to benchmark their firm against the industry. The survey will only take a few minutes. 

Start the survey now.


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6th Cir. Holds ‘Objectively Baseless’ Debt Collection Lawsuit Violated FDCPA

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently ruled that a debt collector violated the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act when it sued a debtor’s wife to recover her husband’s legal fees under Ohio’s Necessaries Statute.

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Evolution of ARM: Up Next, Collaborative Intelligence

The way we use words and phrases changes as our knowledge about the world around us evolves. For example, the first use of the term “gluten-free” appeared in 1927. Over the next 80 years, numerous studies about celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity emerged. And in 2013, almost 90 years after the term was first used, the FDA finally issued rules for labeling gluten-free food items.

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CFPB Says Convenience and Pay-to-Pay Fees are Prohibited Junk Fees

Continuing its 2022 cadence of issuing press releases nearly every day, on June 29, 2022, the CFPB announced it issued an advisory opinion regarding  "pay-to-pay" or "convenience fees." The opinion, which explicitly references fees for online and phone payments, confirms that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits debt collectors from charging these types of fees to consumers unless they are expressly authorized by agreement or permitted by law.

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Credit Card Issuer Wins Big ATDS Ruling in TCPA Suit Arising out of Debt Collection Calls

Hello everyone, Baroness here 🙂

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How Accurate is Your Metro 2® Furnishing? (Do you even know?)

The CFPB expects that you, as furnishers, have written documentation to explain how you’ve populated various Metro 2® fields from your systems of record. Here are a few areas to tackle as part of your journey to data furnishing accuracy and control.

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Complete Guide to Risk and Gap Assessments Part 3: Performing Your Internal Examination; Capturing Results

14 July 2022 at 02:00 p.m.

Companies across the ARM industry have been busy lately - adding new technology, changing workflows and processes, and hustling to comply with Regulation F. Big shifts like these inevitably create new blind spots and add potential risk. You know regulators and consumer attorneys are looking for those blind spots. You have to find them first.  In our last two webinars, we discussed how to get started, and how to gather the materials you need to conduct your assessment. In this webinar, we’ll help you dive in and discuss how to compare your policies and procedures to applicable laws, and how to capture your results for future use.

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