Stephanie Eidelman [Image by creator  from ]

Stephanie Eidelman

CEO at insideARM

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 [Image by creator dpyancy from AdobeStock]

In Latest "Tell-All," Former Regulator Rubin Reveals Who Runs the Show at the CFPB

 [Image by creator Gajus from AdobeStock]

These New Innovations Will Change Debt Collection, One Way or the Other

ACA International Files Brief to Provide Unique Perspective in PHH v. CFPB

Large wall mural of the world's continents in red, surrounded by black and white illustrated icons like a laptop, folder, chart, email, pyramid, lightbulb, etc. [Image by creator Robert Kneschke from AdobeStock]

Offshore Collection Work May Soon Carry New Consequences

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

House Passes Rule That Would Require OMB Review of New CFPB Rules

ACA International Publishes Dispute of CFPB Consumer Survey

Trump Signs Another Executive Order to Make Good on Promise of Deregulation

 [Image by creator Leigh Prather from AdobeStock]

New York DFS Addresses Questions Regarding Itemized Accounting

 [Image by creator danijelala from AdobeStock]

CFPB Hosts Webinar Today About Consumer Debt Collection Survey

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

Industry Group Tells CFPB to Support Consumer's Right to Financial Data Access; Don't Forget Accounts in Collection!

Best Call Centers to Work For Participation Deadline This Friday

Photo of courthouse building with "judicial" written on it [Image by creator Natalia Bratslavsky from AdobeStock]

BREAKING: D.C. Court Grants CFPB Petition for En Banc Hearing

AdobeStock-Dialogue table discussion round table seat at the table

CFPB Consumer Advisory Board to Discuss Consumer Credit Info, Complaint Database

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

Interim Guidance Says 2-for-1 Regulation Rule Doesn't Apply to CFPB

 [Image by creator bigshotd3 from AdobeStock]

Specifics of Hensarling Plan for CFPB Discovered in Leaked Memo

An outside view of a door to the Federal Trade Commission [Image by creator demerzel21 from AdobeStock]

Tom Pahl Named Acting Director FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection

An outside view of a door to the Federal Trade Commission [Image by creator demerzel21 from AdobeStock]

FTC Announces Director of Consumer Protection Bureau Jessica Rich Will Step Down

A western-style ranch sign that says "Welcome to colorful Colorado" against a dark sky and red mountains [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

Colorado Holds Hearing on Whether to Sunset Its Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Senate Bill Proposes 5-Member Board Structure For CFPB

Richard Cordray testifying before Congress [Image by creator  from insideARM]

Former Counsel Offers Opinion on CFPB Structure, While D.C. Court Denies AG Group's Bid to Intervene