Stephanie Eidelman [Image by creator  from ]

Stephanie Eidelman

CEO at insideARM

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Posts Authored

New FSA Student Loan Default Report Raises Many Questions

Black keyboard with one large red key that says "Opinion" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

FTC Expands List of Banned Debt Collectors; Is There Any Connection to Legitimate Firms?

NYDFS and CFPB Sample Request for Substantiation Letters are Awfully Complex

Major Credit Bureaus Issue Furnisher Data Reporting Process Changes

Update: The Road Back to the IRS Private Debt Collection Program

Cordray Addresses Industry Criticism at Consumer Bankers Conference

CFPB Winter 2016 Supervisory Highlights Identifies a "Beneficial" Practice

CFPB Consumer Response Clarifies Definition of Duplicate Complaint, and Other Updates

Debt Collection Complaints to FTC Flooded by PrivacyStar Mobile App

Wisconsin Governor Signs Debt Collection-Friendly Bill

Michelle Singletary Offers Balanced Perspective on Houston Student Loan Arrest Case

IRS Will Miss March 4 Deadline For Contracting With Private Debt Collectors

Motion Granted for Debt Collector in FDCPA Bona Fide Error Case

Judge Grants Mixed Ruling in Yet Another Example of FDCPA Ambiguity

FCC to Issue Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for TCPA Amendment

Empirical Evidence Suggests Dodd-Frank Has Led to 14.5 Percent Drop in Consumer Credit

Federal Hearing Scheduled in Case Challenging CFPB Authority

CFPB Accepting Applications For Advisory Board Seats

Rohit Chopra Moves to a Bigger Student Loan Stage, at the Department of Education

FTC Adopts Procedures for Administrative Collection of Debts Owed to the FTC