LONG GROVE, IL ? The Domino?s Franchisee Association recently announced a new Affinity Partner agreement with JUSTCHEX, LLC (?JU$TCHEX™?). The partnership evolved after close to a year of evaluation by the DFA. JUSTCHEX provides thousands of clients, which includes hundreds of Domino?s franchisee locations, with a highly effective online solution for the electronic recovery for all returned checks. Depending on the needs and preference of the client, the service options range from do-it-yourself to an automated solution.

?We are very pleased to have a partner agreement with JUSTCHEX,? says DFA Executive Director Mike Chiodo. ?The feedback from our members that use the solution has been very positive. This includes franchisees with one location and those with 50 plus. Our role was to conduct a process to confirm that the solution was not only effective but that it was also in compliance with applicable rules and laws. Once completing that evaluation, we then worked out terms with JUSTCHEX to give our members special benefits designed to produce the strongest ROI.?

The JUSTCHEX online recovery solution has proven to be highly effective in hundreds of DFA member locations nationally. Sam Hishmeh of Hishmeh Enterprises, a Domino?s franchise with 12 stores in California, began using JUSTCHEX in October of 2002 to increase his financial return per paid NSF check.

?We are getting paid over 100 percent of the face value of all of our NSF checks,? says Sam Hishmeh. ?And we have more control.?

DFA members Eric and Deb Lockhart of Dubest Pizza Inc., a six-store Domino?s franchise spanning four states, experienced a similar rate of return with JUSTCHEX since starting in March of 2003.

According to the Lockharts: ?Before JUSTCHEX, we were spending literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to recoup dollars from NSF and ?Closed Account? checks. Now we spend less time and energy doing this with a phenomenally higher rate of return. You not only save us money, you save our company an incredible amount of time that we can now use to pursue other areas that are important. In the rare cases that we have had to contact your company we have received exceptional service.?

Clients are paid 100 percent of the face value plus the majority of the recovered state fee for NSF checks. Then collections items are converted to an electronic format and forwarded to one of the participating collection agencies. The transaction fees charged for the JUSTCHEX service is deducted from state fees collected. There is never a deduction from the face value of the check.

The average return for all Domino?s franchisees using JUSTCHEX is 110.8 percent when compared to the combined face value of all NSF checks entered for payment. Reports for checks can be reviewed online in real time or downloaded in a universal spreadsheet format. If a customer calls about a check, franchisees can have answers in seconds about the status of that check. Reports can be broken down by store and sorted by the status or outcome of any check processed. This gives multi-store franchisees the option to give their managers login access to look at the data that affect their store(s).

?Domino?s franchisees were among our first clients,? says Richard McShirley, Director of Business Development for JUSTCHEX. ?Their input along the way has been most valuable. We look forward to working closely with the DFA to assure that the membership is getting the best possible service and results using JUSTCHEX.?

This new partnership offers additional benefits to DFA Dues-paying members:

For clients with 100 returned checks or more per month:
The only task is to stamp the checks for deposit and reconcile online payment reports against bank statements. Provident Bank provides Consolidated Returns, which is a bank service that is free to DFA Dues-paying members for all checks eligible for re-presentment.

For clients with less than 100 returned checks per month:
DFA members will have the option to enter returned checks online at http://justchex.net or they can use JUSTCHEX?s free service called Check Valet, where JUSTCHEX will perform the data entry and return checks to franchisees for their records.

For more information on JUSTCHEX or the affinity partnership between JUSTCHEX and the DFA please visit justchex.net, call JU$TCHEX at 805-604-4472, or call Mike Chiodo at 847-634-9212.

JU$TCHEX is an IBM business partner that provides online end-to-end processing solutions for returned checks. Merchant registration for JU$TCHEX is free and can handle clients with one or thousands of locations. JU$TCHEX has positioned itself as a leader by listening carefully, thinking ahead, and moving with purpose to provide clients with access to the best solutions.

DFA Mission: ?To create a unified Franchisee organization by bringing together the talents, knowledge and resources of all Domino?s Franchisees to maximize the value of our business and to secure the Franchisee?s position within the Domino?s Pizza System.? Web site: dominosdfa.com.

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