Attunity Ltd., a leading provider of real-time data integration and event capture software announced today that Insurance Data Services (IDS), a medical billing services provider, has implemented Attunity’s data connectivity software to make electronic medical billing information available to customers in real-time via the Web.

“Our electronic medical billing system processes about 10,000,000 documents per year for our hospital/physician clients,” explained Tom Weidner, Director of Business Development at IDS. “Attunity Connect delivered a key value of the solution by making it possible for our technical staff to develop web-based software products that enable client access to this information in real-time via the Web. This capability increases our clients’ and employees’ productivity and the value of our service, and contributed to our ability to attract new customers.”

Delivering the electronic billing information over the web required efficient integration between two heterogeneous systems at IDS. Since the information was stored and managed in a proprietary format on an OpenVMS system, it was not accessible to the IDS Web server system. With Attunity Connect, IDS solved these issues by enabling real-time and seamless connectivity from the Web platform to the data stored in RMS files on the OpenVMS platform. Furthermore, by using Attunity, IDS accelerated time to market for delivering the web-based access and saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in software development costs.

“With important enterprise data locked-up in legacy systems with no easy way to access it, IT organizations are under growing pressure to find ways to make it available where and when needed,” stated Mel Passarelli, Vice President and General Manager at Attunity. “Our real-time data connectivity software is specifically geared to support organizations with heterogeneous environments, so customers like IDS drive more value from their existing infrastructure and business information.”

Founded in 1976, Insurance Data Services provides medical billing services and applications with offerings including full-service billing, application services provider (ASP), and turnkey medical billing services. Their full and online medical billing services areas include, but are not limited to, Emergency Physician Groups, Radiology, Pain Management, Clinics, Hospitalists, Occupational Medicine, Family Practice, Mental Health, Anesthesia, and Pathology. For more information, visit them at

Attunity is a leading provider of real-time data integration and event capture software. Our offering includes software solutions such as Attunity Stream®, a real-time and change-data-capture (CDC) software, our Operational Data Replication (ODR) solution and Attunity Connect®, our real-time connectivity software. Using Attunity’s software solutions, our customers enjoy dramatic business benefits by enabling real-time access to information where and when needed, across the maze of heterogeneous systems making up today’s IT environment.

Attunity has supplied innovative software solutions to its enterprise-class customers for nearly 20 years and has successful deployments at thousands of organizations worldwide. Attunity provides software directly and indirectly through a number of strategic and OEM agreements with partners such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and HP. Headquartered in Boston, Attunity serves its customers via offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific and through a network of local partners. For more information, visit and join our community on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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