Q. You have been in the credit and collections field for more than 25 years and all of it with some unit of Dun & Bradstreet. What caused you to select the collection field as the business in which to make your career?

A. In the collection and receivable management business, the results are very measurable. This aspect of the business is a challenge I enjoy meeting every day. Increasing cash flow and reducing write-offs has always been important, but now customers are more focused than ever on tracking and have developed detailed scorecards.

Q. Since the establishment of D&B-RMS as a separate entity, what has been the most significant change in your daily life as a CEO?

A. The first challenge was transitioning both customers and associates into the new environment where D&B RMS was now a stand-alone company. In fact we now have the best of both worlds. We maintain a strategic partnership with D&B and utilize D&B information and still share many of their customers. We are now a company totally focused on receivable processes and as an independent company we can make decisions quickly.

Another key challenge, which is also an opportunity, is the fast pace of technology. We are reinvesting 50% of our strong operating cash flow in largely technology driven growth areas including web services for customers, advanced integrated voice response systems, and enhanced predictive dialing capabilities. We have also invested in additional capacity, opening a major call center in Tucson, Arizona, and off-shore capabilities.

Q. What in your opinion is the major reason for D&B-RMS reaching and maintaining the position as the leader in the commercial collection industry?

A. We have maintained our focus on customers; every associate knows how important our customers are to our success. Now everybody talks about focusing on the customer but our organizational structure is driven by customer needs. Our sales force and operation centers have been aligned around national accounts, middle market, and the small business segment. This alignment insures the resources required for each segment are focused on the particular customer needs of the segment.

Next Article: Interview: Anthony Marino
