, the Internet’s first and only comprehensive resource designed to help survivors manage the complex challenges and responsibilities created by the death of a loved one, launched this week. The site was developed in collaboration with organizations that want to provide a helpful resource to survivors of their deceased customers. provides relevant, practical information to help survivors organize and understand their new financial, government and legal roles and responsibilities in an easy-to-use, professionally designed site. They can access printable tools and checklists, useful articles and blogs written by experts and reference other helpful resources on the Web. was created by Forte, LLC, the pioneer of deceased customer relationship management (DCRM). Through DCRM, Forte helps organizations respectfully manage the death of a customer while building and enhancing relationships with survivors of the deceased. is a platform that enables organizations to deliver a respectful, consistent experience to survivors, providing value to both the survivors and the sponsoring organizations.

“Dealing with death can be very difficult for survivors, and it can offer significant challenges for companies. We understand that,” said Steven Farsht, president and COO of Forte. “Our clients understand that too. We are pleased that many of our existing customers, including several Fortune® 100 companies, have already embraced our vision for and DCRM.”, a key component of Forte’s approach to DCRM, can help companies manage relationships with the survivors of their deceased customers in a positive and productive way. By offering to survivors, organizations can create goodwill, maintain brand loyalty and establish relationships with survivors that can last a generation or more. also addresses the survivors’ emotional needs such as well-being and remembering loved ones. In addition to providing helpful content on topics such as understanding grief, planning a memorial service and finding helpful resources in their community, over the next year, will develop an online community of survivors who can look to one another for support.

To ensure that delivers a valuable survivor experience, Forte will continually seek feedback from users through suggestion boxes embedded on every page of the site. Forte plans to integrate these thoughts and ideas from survivors into future development plans to keep the site useful, fresh and relevant.

For participating organizations, is available to survivors of their deceased customers at no charge; for all other consumers, a one-time charge of $9.95 applies. All users can then invite up to five family members and friends to join for free.

About Forte, LLC
Forte, LLC is the innovator of DCRM – deceased customer relationship management. Through DCRM, Forte is transforming the way survivors deal with the death of a loved one and the way organizations deal with the deaths of their customers. With more than ten years experience working with survivors and credit grantors, Forte leverages its proprietary estate data technologies and solutions to deliver innovative, customer-centric solutions. For more information, visit

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