States’ Attorneys General are already sue-crazy when it comes to debt collection agencies. Some more so than others. But now at least one more state has given their top lawyer permission to go after ARM meanies.

The Oregon legislature last week passed a bill that allows Mr. Kroger, the new AG, to sue collectors that run afoul of the law (“Oregon Passes Bill Allowing State AG to Sue Debt Collection Agencies,” April 6). Debt collectors did not fall under the authority of the attorney general in Oregon before the bill was passed.

ARM industry observers, even some collection agencies in Oregon, pointed out that the bill is full of holes. Further, when signed by the Governor, the bill would not take effect until next year. Still, it’s a signal that another state is going to use law enforcement against the accounts receivable management industry rather than the civil court construct laid out by the FDCPA.

Next Article: Arlen Specter, Blanche Lincoln, and maybe others
