Discover Financial Services LLC, a business unit of Morgan Stanley, announced today that its Cardmembers have donated $1 million to support the Hurricane Katrina and Rita relief efforts through the company’s Cashback® Bonus rewards program. Each Cardmember Cashback Bonus donation, which will go towards the American Red Cross relief efforts, includes a 20% match from Discover Financial Services.

Cardmembers have been donating their Cashback Bonus rewards to the American Red Cross through the website or by calling 1-800-DISCOVER since September 1.

In addition to its Cardmembers’ $1 million donation, Discover Financial Services has committed significant support for Cardmembers, merchants and others affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The company is offering Cardmembers affected by the hurricanes assistance that includes payment relief, emergency replacement cards, emergency PIN numbers and other special services. Affected Cardmembers are urged to call 1-800-DISCOVER for assistance. Discover also will rebate all merchant fees associated with disaster relief contributions made to the Red Cross with Discover® Card. To date, the rebate amount is over $465,000.

“We know our Cardmembers are deeply concerned about the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and through their generosity $1 million has been raised to help these victims in just over one month,” said David W. Nelms, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Discover Financial Services. “We hope these donations will provide some assistance to the many communities and victims in need, and we are proud that our Cardmembers have responded so enthusiastically to this effort.”

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