ROSLYN HEIGHTS, NY ? Thanks to a strengthening economy, equipment leasing and finance companies are pursuing fewer difficult repossessions than in years past and focusing more of their attention on resolving problem accounts at earlier delinquency stages, says Ed Castagna, senior executive vice president of Nassau Asset Management. Nassau, which provides a broad spectrum of asset management services to the industry, has responded by expanding and enhancing its accounts receivable capabilities.

Nassau recently dedicated an arm of its company to accounts receivable management and hired additional experts in the field. Dan Potts, director of accounts receivable management, heads the new unit based in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. He formerly was in charge of asset-based portfolio management for AT&T Capital Leasing Services, Inc., where he experienced the accounts receivable needs of the industry first-hand. During his tenure at AT&T Capital, Potts was particularly impressed with Nassau Asset Management, one of his company?s vendors.

?Several major leasing companies today are using Nassau?s enhanced accounts receivable services to improve their lease, commercial, consumer, and international collections processes,? Potts says. ?In addition, Nassau?s strict compliance and knowledge of revised UCC Article 9 guidelines provides our clients with the confidence their assigned portfolio of accounts are being managed appropriately and within set legal parameters.?

Nassau has introduced aggressive solutions for resolving problem accounts. For example, Nassau can post information about equipment in question on its international Web site,, to gather competitive bids and determine its commercially reasonable sale price before collecting deficiency balances. The company also offers a complete debtor program, providing equipment leasing and finance companies with a one-stop shop for managing routine collections, repossessions, equipment remarketing, and collections of deficiency balances.

?By utilizing Nassau?s complete debtor program, an equipment leasing and finance company can recoup its losses up to 400 percent faster, than if handling the process alone or outsourcing different processes to numerous vendors with varying capabilities,? Castagna says. As a result, Nassau effectively manages:

  • collections prior to charge-off
  • appraisal of leased assets after charge-off
  • voluntary and involuntary repossessions
  • full condition reports and appraisals on-site
  • asset location and skip tracing
  • equipment remarketing
  • deficiency balance collections, and
  • legal programs

Castagna says Nassau?s strengths include its focus on commercially reasonable sales using its Web site, which experiences 700,000 hits a month and is a well-known portal for buyers and sellers. The company also offers customers access to an extensive network of attorneys located throughout the United States who are specialists in legal issues pertaining to the equipment leasing and finance industry.

About Nassau
Nassau Asset Management of Roslyn Heights, NY, has been providing full-service asset management, including asset recovery, collections, remarketing, full plant liquidations, and appraisals for more than 25 years to the equipment leasing and finance industry. For more information, please visit

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