CINCINNATI, OH – Convergys Corporation (NYSE: CVG), a global leader in providing customer care, human resources, and billing services, announced today that Customer Inter@ction Solutions recognized Convergys with two top awards for its customer care capabilities and IP infrastructure.

As part of the magazine’s 20th Annual Top Teleservices Agencies rankings, Convergys was selected as the No. 1 provider of domestic and international inbound teleservices and the No. 2 provider of inbound interactive services. The publication also selected Convergys as a recipient of its premier IP Contact Center Technology Pioneer Award for seamlessly providing reliable and flexible access to any of the company’s global locations.

“These awards reflect Convergys’ proven ability to deploy innovative technology and to leverage our size and scale to help our clients build loyal, profitable relationships with their customers,” said Jack Freker, President of Convergys’ Customer Management Group. “The combination of our experience and industry-leading infrastructure ensures that we can deliver seamless, consistent customer care from our more than 60 global locations.”

Earlier this year, the publication recognized Convergys with a Customer Care Gold MVP Quality Award for operational management practices that drive outstanding results and continuous improvement in the service Convergys provides to its clients and their customers.

Customer Inter@ction Solutions is a monthly publication targeted to contact center managers wanting to stay informed on new products and services and sales and marketing techniques. Companies selecting large-capacity or large-sized teleservices providers reference the magazine’s annual teleservices agencies ranking as an industry-standard benchmark.

By applying more than 20 years of operational experience in customer care, Convergys brings clarity and rigor to defining, implementing, and managing client-specific solutions. Convergys’ solutions help our clients improve operational efficiency and service quality, enrich the customer experience, and strengthen customer relationships to improve their competitive advantage and increase revenue growth. Convergys is outthinking and outdoing™ on behalf of its clients every day.

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