Bethesda, MD ? Industry professionals recently attended the California Association of Collectors? Legal & Legislative Conference March 13-15, 2002 at the Green Valley Ranch Resort in Las Vegas. Located a few miles away from the strip, the hotel provided a wonderful balance of traditional Las Vegas style with a quiet retreat. Members came from all over California to learn from industry experts, network with colleagues and stay current on California?s legal and legislative issues.

The Legislative Issues
Wednesday?s schedule included the Legislative Council meeting, which is always open to all members. CAC?s Legislative Advocate, Cliff Berg brought members up to date on events in Sacramento regarding new bills that have been presented this session. Judy Yaklin of States Recovery Systems was among the attendees at the Legislative Council meeting. When asked about her experience at the conference, she explained, ?The meetings were informative, and let everybody know what our industry is facing and to see what Cliff [Berg] and the Legislative Council are doing to protect the industry.? For more information about CAC?s current legislative activity, visit

The Workshops
One of the key components of the Legal & Legislative Conference is continuing education for industry professionals. Mark Ellis, California?s ACA MAP Chair presented a workshop entitled ?Current Trends in FDCPA Litigation.? This was a very valuable workshop for members, as it emphasized the importance of proactive business methods. Roger Young, Director of Collections at CBSJ, Inc. said that the topics were great.

ACA President, Nancy Borgen of Credit Bureau Data, Inc. presented Leadershift: Five Lessons for Leaders in the 21st Century by Joel Barker. This unique presentation prepares today?s leaders to anticipate change and create vision for the future, whether it is relating to an individual career, department, company or entire industry. Ms. Borgen has spread this unique message to several other ACA state units, emphasizing the use of ?positive control? as a useful tool to encourage greater motivation and productivity at all levels.

Industry expert and consultant Brian Greenberg of Kaulkin Ginsberg Company presented a workshop entitled ?What to Expect When Selling Your Agency.? Mr. Greenberg comes to the collection industry with an extensive background in mergers and acquisitions in the international business community. The workshop focused on the various aspects of selling an agency as well as the best ways to prepare an agency for a sale. For additional information visit

Bylaw Amendments
Proposed bylaw amendments were presented to the membership in February. Amended Articles IV, V and VI all pertain to new types of membership: the Business Enterprise Membership, the Common Interest Membership, and ACA MAP (Member Attorney Program) Membership. All amendments were passed unanimously.

The Business Enterprise Membership is perhaps the most significant change affecting regular collection agency members. This new type of membership will allow regular members with multiple offices operating solely within the state of California to enroll a main office as an active member, while providing CAC membership benefits to the other offices. This will allow all of a company?s employees to take advantage of CAC events at member rates, as well as qualify all branch locations for CAC?s group insurance programs, which can create great savings in premium costs. For more specific information about the Business Enterprise Membership dues structure, please contact CAC at

The Common Interest Membership is a new class of membership open to businesses that do not qualify for any other type of membership with CAC. Membership will allow the applicant participation in the State Fund Workers? Compensation Group Program. Dues for the Common Interest Membership is a nominal annual fee, creating great savings for participating businesses.

Wrapping Up
This year?s Legal & Legislative Conference was a great success for all who attended. The rewards for staying in touch with colleagues and the latest industry trends are exponential for one?s business. Members walked away from the conference refreshed and ready to head back to work equipped with the most current industry information!

About the California Association of Collectors
Established in 1917, the California Association of Collectors is the oldest trade association in California. CAC is pledged to promote, stimulate, increase and improve the educational, social, economic, and ethical welfare of the California collection industry and the public which it serves; and to apply the collective knowledge and experience of its members toward maintaining an ethical standard of collection service.

For more information about CAC?s membership programs or upcoming events, visit, or contact Brandy Charlton, Member Program Manager at (916) 929-2125.

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