SAN DIEGO – Systech Corporation, San Diego, an industry leader in the design and manufacture of Internet Payment Gateways for electronic transaction markets, today announced an alliance with Certegy Check Services to convert dial-up check processing transactions to IP-based transactions. Under the agreement, Certegy has certified Systech dial-to-IP converters and will recommend the product to Certegy merchants transitioning from dial to IP.

Systech Internet Payment Gateways convert dial-up payment transactions to high-speed IP transactions. The gateways connect both legacy and new POS terminals and check readers to the Certegy processing host over the public Internet using secure SSL IP protocols. No changes are required to the installed Certegy software applications. Merchants with existing, private IP networks can also use the Systech/Certegy solution to convert and re-route dial transactions through existing WAN links. Merchants benefit from both higher-speed transactions and recurring cost savings from eliminating dedicated dial-up telephone lines.

“Systech gateways allow us to address a growing requirement within our customer base for both higher-speed IP transactions and a reduction in telephony costs,” said Cynthia Knowles, vice president of marketing for Certegy Check Services. “Systech helped us to successfully integrate their flexible connectivity solution into our new, production-ready SSL network.”

“Certegy’s important market position in check guarantee processing and its broad range of merchants are important to the payment industry and to Systech,” said John Stafford, Systech’s director of payment systems. “The strength and reputation of Certegy solutions in the market is important to Systech’s commitment to enable the benefits of IP-based transaction speeds and savings to all merchant types worldwide.”

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