A Californian coalition led by Arnold Schwarzenegger is seeking to install universal healthcare into the Eureka! state.  “Universal” in this case means “California.”

The alliance, as of yet, doesn’t have a catchy name, theme song, or rubber bracelet – but its member roster is pretty impressive: the Service Employees International Union, the California Medical Assn., Catholic Healthcare West, Kaiser Permanente, Blue Shield of California and Health Net. 

The alliance also, paradoxically, has not agreed to ally on all elements of any plan that emerges from negotiations with Schwarzenegger and the Legislature.

Oh, and the alliance hasn’t agreed on any specific amount of money to be funneled into the campaign.

The only thing agreed on, apparently, is the need for universal healthcare.

The alliance’s formation is intended to counter any campaign that arises to block an overhaul of the state’s healthcare system. Such concerns are not hypothetical: A referendum paid for mostly by business groups in 2004 was able to nullify California’s last major effort at expanding medical insurance by repealing a law that would have required all mid- and large-size employers to provide coverage.

Schwarzenegger spokesman Adam Mendelsohn praised the formation of the alliance.

"You’re seeing a coalition of opposites ignite because they all believe the healthcare system is broken," he said. "That’s a very dramatic statement."

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