As holiday credit card bills hit the mailboxes, TrueCredit — a leading provider of consumer credit management products — commissioned Roper Public Affairs to assess how Americans feel about their credit this year.

Respondents are more concerned about physical and emotional well-being than the state of their credit. Half of Americans (51%) say that losing 10 pounds would be more difficult for them than paying off their credit card debt; 33% report the opposite. And more reply that their number one resolution is being healthy (33%) or spending time with family (26%) than answer paying down their debt (20%).

Not only are consumers less worried about their debt this year, they appear to be managing it more prudently. The survey also found:

  • 43% say they purchased less on credit this holiday season than the previous year; 37% say they purchased the same as last year, and 14% say they charged more
  • 48% report that they have the same level of credit card debt as the previous year, 36% say that they have less, and only 10% say they have more
  • Only one in five (20%) say that they are planning to make a major purchase on credit this year

“More consumers are feeling confident about their credit and are beginning to understand how to use it responsibly,” said John Danaher, President of TrueCredit. “We’re over the first hurdle. The next step is to help them learn how active credit management can help them save money.”

In addition to its already popular credit monitoring products, TrueCredit will introduce a host of powerful new tools for consumers in 2006. “We’re working very hard to put consumers in a position to see themselves in the same way their credit grantors — credit card providers, mortgage lenders, insurance companies — see them,” added Danaher. “Once this happens, the consumer is truly empowered.”

TrueCredit’s mission is to help consumers understand and manage their credit. Through online educational materials, free monthly newsletters and easy-to-use credit products, TrueCredit educates consumers about credit management and empowers them to improve their borrowing habits. To learn more, please visit or contact Zachary Hastings Hooper, 202.862.4355 or

Roper Public Affairs conducted this study using Random Digit Dialing (RDD) methodology from January 6 through January 8, 2006. A total of 1,017 interviews were conducted among adults across America. Age, gender, income and geographic information were collected. The margin of error for the complete sample is +/- 3 percentage points. The margin of error for subgroups may be higher.

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