Connance, Inc., a leading provider of revenue cycle solutions that help healthcare providers cut costs, improve resource productivity and increase cash collection, today announced that it is sponsoring the National Thought Leaders Webinar Series, a complimentary series of webinars for healthcare finance executives. Distinguished industry authorities will share their unique perspectives on creating value for patients, providers, payers, employers and more during this period of rapid healthcare finance reform. Each presenter is a recognized leader in their field – from macroeconomic policy to Medicare to consumer and value – enabling attendees throughout the series to see the same business, though from different angles.

Nationally recognized presenters in the webinar series include:

  • David Cutler, Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University, and Senior Health Care Advisor for the Obama Presidential Campaign presenting “The Coming Transformation of American Medicine” on Thursday, October 13, 1:00-2:00 pm ET.
  • William A. MacBain, Senior Vice President, Gorman Health Group, Medicare expert and member of two federal Medicare advisory commissions (MedPAC and ProPAC) presenting “What are They Doing to Medicare?!” on Wednesday, November 9, 12:00-1:00 pm ET.
  • Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, Health Populi blog, THINK-Health and nationally-recognized healthcare economist specializing in bridging health and technology presenting “The ROI on Patient Engagement: How the Microeconomy of Health Drives Personal Health Engagement” on Wednesday, November 16, 12:00-1:00 pm ET.
  • Rebecca Onie, Executive Director, Health Leeds, recipient of MacArthur Fellowship and named to the 2010 Power List of O! Magazine presenting “The Value of Addressing Patients True Health Needs” on Tuesday, December 6, 12:00-1:00 pm ET.
  • Steve Levin, Chief Executive Officer, Connance, Inc. and hospital revenue cycle expert focused on developing consumer-centric business offices presenting “Where Patient Clinical and Financial Experiences Meet” on Wednesday, December 14, 12:00-1:00 pm ET.

“Over the next few months and years, healthcare finance executives will make a number of critical and lasting decisions about how healthcare will be delivered in our communities. To support those complex decisions, we wanted to bring together key thought leaders to improve insight and ensure the integration of all the different challenges and likely future events,” said Chuck Eberl, Chief Marketing Officer, Connance, Inc. “We are pleased to be joined by so many national experts in an effort to bring new ideas to healthcare executives and improve the financial wellbeing of the industry.”

To register for this complimentary webinar series please visit

Connance addresses the cash flow issues facing the healthcare business office on a daily basis, particularly relating to self-pay. Patient-responsible revenue, already one of the fastest growing and hardest to collect revenue in the business office, is becoming more complex with increased scrutiny regarding charity eligibility and patient treatment during collection. Combining FICO’sTM world class technology and the experiences of leading healthcare networks, Connance’s products are bringing new ideas and performance standards to healthcare receivables. Connance is headquartered in Waltham, MA.

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