eCredit, a leading provider of online solutions for credit and collections professionals, today announced that Comdata Corporation has selected eCredit Enterprise Edition to optimize its credit and collections activities. Headquartered in Brentwood, Tenn., Comdata is one of the nation’s foremost providers of transaction and payment services. As a rapidly growing company processing more than a thousand new accounts on a monthly basis, Comdata will see great benefit from eCredit’s fully integrated credit and collections platform.

Particularly for companies like Comdata, whose business models demand strong performance from credit and collections departments, centralization of activities using eCredit Enterprise Edition and credit reports creates a powerful single resource to drive efficient operations both in granting credit and collecting accounts receivable. Facilitating more accurate and rapid credit decisions leading directly to smoother and more effective collections, eCredit provides a significant upgrade from Comdata’s existing trade receivables management system.

“Our decision to implement eCredit solutions was based on two key factors,” said Walt Hannabass, Comdata Senior Vice President of Credit and Collections. “First, we recognize the efficiency gains that will be derived from being able to operate our credit and collections functions on an integrated platform that supports both areas of operation. Additionally, as a leader in the area of credit decision automation, eCredit will provide our credit and collections analysts with powerful tools to minimize bad debt and identify previously lost revenue opportunities.”

“Comdata’s explosive growth makes it an outstanding candidate for eCredit Enterprise Edition,” said Jeff Dickerson, eCredit President and CEO. “As many other companies in the payment transactions industry are also realizing, implementing eCredit’s solutions to assist in granting credit, monitoring portfolio risk, resolving disputes and collecting accounts receivable is the right move to make. Especially in comparison with disparate homegrown systems, eCredit delivers tools to make credit and collections operations faster, easier and more efficient.”

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