Compliance Spectrum, a provider of expert solutions for compliance management, and Network Frontiers, the leader in systems continuity, regulatory compliance, and IT infrastructure consulting, training and publishing, will host a webinar that will help IT leaders simplify the management of multi-regulatory environments with Spectra and the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF).

As businesses and organizations grow and expand across industry and international borders, the number of IT regulations they encounter multiply by the dozens, creating an IT regulatory tsunami for IT to manage. This webinar will demonstrate how IT leaders can better manage overlapping requirements with Spectra and UCF.

UCF maps and harmonizes IT controls across global, government and industry regulations, standards, and best practices, including SOX, HIPAA, CObiT, Basel II, NERC and PCI, and more than 13,000 individual controls into one cohesive information source.

Spectra is a complete IT compliance management solution that includes expert knowledge needed for managing compliance to multiple regulations and standards. Spectra activates UCF, simplifying the management of complex IT controls, standards, and policies by correlating the overlap of hundreds of IT regulations that address energy, payment card processes, healthcare, banking and finance and global application of SOX.

Event Details:
Compliance Spectrum Webinar
Survive the Regulatory Tsunami with the Unified Compliance Framework and Spectra
December 16th, 2008
10:00 a.m. CT
To learn more or to register go to or call 866-947-2932.

What Attendees Will Learn:
Dorian Cougias, founder and principal analyst of Network Frontiers, and Dan Hoffmann, Compliance Spectrum director of product management will discuss how UCF cuts enterprise compliance costs and complexities and show how Spectra’s integration of UCF relates more than 300 national and international regulations, standards, and frameworks using a single collection of controls. The webinar will also demonstrate how IT leaders can streamline compliance projects and ease the burden of tracking these constantly changing regulations with a single integrated solution.

About Compliance Spectrum
Compliance Spectrum provides software solutions that help IT organizations reduce the complexity and cost of compliance. Developed by financial and compliance experts, Compliance Spectrum’s Spectra product gives you the expert advantage to translate government regulations and industry mandates into cost effective and repeatable policies and controls to satisfy increasingly rigorous audit requirements.

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