The Credit Services Association (CSA) ? the voice of the UK debt collection industry ? has launched its first comprehensive Training Prospectus ? a detailed guide to the extensive range of courses available to members and non-members throughout 2005/6.

Building on its existing commitment to training, evidenced by the proven City & Guilds Diploma in Debt Collection that has now been running for seven years (and which has recently been extended across two Universities), these courses cover the full spectrum of collection activities. They include a fundamental understanding of debt collection and collection methods, through to more specific areas of collection law and insolvency.

Practical courses on negotiation skills and the art of telephone tracing sit just as happily with broader subjects such as financial investigations and in-house credit control.

“Every course is run with the delegates in mind, and delivered in a friendly and practical environment by our recognised team of highly qualified tutors, all of whom have current experience of the UK and international marketplace,” says CSA President Godfrey Lancashire. “This is training for professionals, by professionals.”

As the official body for the UK’s debt collection industry, and with a history dating back more than 100 years, the CSA is constantly evolving and responding to the modern-day business challenge, providing its members and the wider industry with a range of courses aimed at further improving and enhancing the professionalism within our sector.

The 2005 Prospectus lists those courses available to members, with clear signposting in terms of who they are intended for (ie who will most benefit), duration and location. The recommended number of delegates for each course is 12, but this figure can be adjusted to suit a client’s individual requirements. Most of the courses are run in-house, but a small number are also available externally to the public. This information is clearly marked at the head of each section.

For your copy of the CSA Training Prospectus, e-mail

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