By Cathy Woodruff, Times Union

The free ride may be over for thousands of motorists who owe millions of dollars for breezing through E-ZPass lanes without paying.

The Thruway Authority on Wednesday voted to hire a St. Louis-based collection agency to recoup some of the roughly $23 million in outstanding tolls and fees.

In February, the Times Union reported that the Thruway Authority had failed to collect some $3.4 million in tolls and nearly $20 million in fines or “administrative fees” owed because motorists drove through E-ZPass lanes without paying.

Authority officials said at the time that they would enact a series of get-tough measures, starting with sending out letters in April with itemized accountings of what is owed. Those letters, however, were put on hold, a Thruway Authority spokesman said, while the authority sought proposals from collection agencies and awaited Wednesday’s selection of OSI Collection Services.

For this complete story, please visit Thruway violators won’t get off so easy.

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