In today’s tight credit environment it is even more important than usual to stay on top of late paying customers. More and more purchasers are looking for opportunities to extend payment terms and for some this can mean finding excuses to either pay late or not at all.

Over the years, Atradius Collections has heard just about all of them when collecting amounts due from debtors of its customers. Some of the classic or more common excuses for not paying invoices include:

  • We haven’t received the invoice
  • Our terms are (30, 60) days
  • We don’t have a payment run until next month
  • There are no cheque signatories available
  • The cheque is in the post/The invoice has already been paid
  • The goods were never delivered or the order was cancelled
  • The goods/services were faulty or not as described
  • The balance is incorrect and we are awaiting a credit note
  • The goods have not been sold/buyer has not paid for the goods yet – need sale proceeds to be able to pay
  • The debtor is insolvent.

Although it happens rarely, some debtors still manage to surprise even us. These excuses have actually been used by debtors.

  • It’s not a valid debt as my vindictive ex wife ran off with the company credit card
  • I just got back from my luxury holiday, it cost more than I thought so I no longer have the funds to pay
  • I wanted to pay but all the invoices were in my briefcase, which was stolen on the street
  • My wife has been kidnapped and I need the money to get her back

There’s no telling what you might hear when you call a customer about an outstanding invoice. This is particularly so for companies doing business internationally. But to maximise your chances of getting paid; timely reminders, persistence and the knowledge of the right responses to these and other potential objections or stall tactics are essential.

About Atradius
The Atradius Group provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide, and has a presence in 40 countries. Its products and services aim to reduce its customers’ exposure to buyers who fail to pay for the products and services customers purchase. With total revenues of approximately EUR 1.8 billion and a 31 percent share of the global trade credit insurance market, its products contribute to the growth of companies throughout the world by protecting them from payment risks associated with selling products and services on credit. With 160 offices, it has access to credit information on 52 million companies worldwide and makes more than 22,000 trade credit limit decisions daily.

About Atradius Collections

Atradius Collections has over 400 staff and 16 offices worldwide, serving 12,000 clients and handling 27 million transactions per year. With revenues of EUR 48.2 million in 2007, its collections specialists worldwide provide customers with local expertise through one global process and IT platform.

Next Article: Report Due on GE Money Collection Practices
