Q. What initially attracted you to the ARM industry?

A. Actually I grew up on this side of the business. Beginning in 1979 I worked for GC Services, the old ACB and Equifax Risk Management. This is a wonderfully fulfilling industry that moves quickly with intense competition. Spending over five years on the creditor side rounded out my skills and improved my perspective. I honestly understand and respect where both sides of the table are coming from and I believe this gives us a competitive advantage.

Q. You’ve obviously had an extensive career all over the ARM universe, what factors attracted you to the Nationwide Credit, Inc. CEO post?

A. Several factors attracted me to Nationwide Credit. The company is poised to grow and prosper as it has been through a financial restructuring that gives it a solid balance sheet and very positive cash flow. The company’s blue-chip client base, and the fact that these clients have been with the company for many years, appealed to me. The investment philosophy of the new owners was also a consideration. They are long-term players who care about growing a company not about pumping it up for a quick sale, which is very different from the investment model of many other industry players. NCI’s owners understand this business and are hands on. I like it that way. Finally, I was very excited about joining this company to take it to the next level and have, in recent months, recruited some of the best brains in the business to join our management team to help us achieve our goals for growth.

Q. How is the role of President and CEO of a large ARM company different from other experiences in the industry?

A. Every job and role is unique in its day-to-day tasks. Having said that, my operating premise here is the same as it was at Sears. We will achieve excellence for our clients, period. That is our core purpose. Growth and profits will be a by-product when we achieve excellence because we will be rewarded for our success in consistently meeting our clients’ objectives. We are doing this by hiring, developing and training the best people in the business. This is a people business without shortcuts.

Next Article: Interview: Walt Collins
