ICEware Xchange, the “Zero Footprint” technology that makes growing a collection company easier and faster than any collection system available today.

Growth is something that all agencies are striving for; to be bigger tomorrow then you are today.  Agencies set plans; build cash flows and hire staff.  They set simple obtainable goals that ensure expansion expenditures do not exceed the variable costs associated with a single unit of growth.  This basic balancing initiative comes from correctly forecasting how much revenue a new collector should generate vs. the ramp to get that new employee beyond the breakeven point. 

When a new employee is hired agencies need to add a desk, a computer, a phone, phone lines, stationery, and also need to buy or lease additional office space.  The need for additional office space exponentially increases your expenses because you not only need a new desk you need infrastructure which costs more initially then you will collect in the short term. You also need to train these new hires and training costs are one of the biggest hidden costs that a business must absorb.  Agencies must figure into their model that a collector has a 50% chance of failing miserably but your newly acquired capital needs to be paid even when a collector isn’t profitable. When an employee fails at collecting it decreases cash flows because you aren’t generating revenue you are only paying expenses.  This is why so many companies remain small, the potential growth isn’t worth the probable risk and opportunity costs associated with failing to collect. ICEware’s Xchange module solves these growth problems by making it easier to add collectors without adding infrastructure.

ICEware’s Xchange module helps collection managers hire and train employees anywhere in the country or anywhere in the world and they can manage them the same way they manage their current collection team.  ICEware’s “Zero Footprint” technology facilitates incredible growth without additional IT support or capital costs. 

Through ICEware’s secure browser designed for geographically displaced agents or agencies, collectors get access to the ICEware collection engine and built in predictive dialer.  This browser based system can be accessed by any agent with a computer, a headset and a cable connection. That is all they need to start working for your collection agency. The ICEware Xchange module also allows agencies that outsource or partner with other agencies to add and delete agencies or agents at will.  If a collector or an agency isn’t performing the way you want you can change the way they work for you or shut them down completely.   

ICEware’s Xchange module allows collection managers in one location to manage campaigns, collectors and every aspect of geographically displaced workers as if they were sitting right next to them.  Best of all you don’t need to add any dialer licenses, collection system licenses, hardware and IT resources to effectively add agents and agencies to your team.   

According to CEO Daria Campisi substantial growth without added expenses is the ultimate panacea for companies who want to grow. “Zero Footprint” means that additional capital expenses to manage an employee are a thing of the past.

Next Article: PR - CreditAssist Financial Launches DebtBuyerAssist
