Michael T. Vallandingham is currently Partner, Management Committee Advisory Member and National Marketing Director for Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP. Mike graduated from Angelo State University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, and went on to graduate Cum Laude from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in 1993 with his Juris Doctor. He is licensed to practice in both the Eastern and Western Districts of the United States District Court and all courts of the State of Texas.

Mike joined Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP in March of 1993. He began in their Tyler, Texas offices and managed the firm’s representation of several of its East Texas’ delinquent tax clients. He immediately made his mark by not only successfully servicing the firm’s existing clientele, but demonstrating his ability to develop new business.

In 1995, Mike assisted the firm in obtaining its first student loan contract, with the Texas Guarantee Student Loan Corporation, which ultimately led to his being transferred to the firm’s Austin, Texas offices to take over management responsibility for the program. He served as the managing attorney for that contract until it expired by its own terms in 2001.

In 1998, Mr. Vallandingham was assigned the responsibility for overseeing the firm’s new National Marketing program, as well as its new Fees & Fines Collection Services division. Those two areas now represent the fasting growing segments of the firm.

His consistent performance in the areas of management and marketing earned him a place on the firm’s Management Committee, as an Advisory Member, in 2004 and again in 2005.

Mike’s current organizational memberships include ACA International, Commercial Law League of America, State Bar of Texas and Adopt-A-Classroom (Board of Trustees).

CollectionIndustry.com recently named Mike Vallandingham as one of the collection industry’s Young Guns for 2005. This program highlights the careers of young leaders who will help guide industry thinking in the new millennium. Nominations for the awards were received from around the world.

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP is a law firm with a singular focus: helping governmental entities improve their collections. The firm offers its clients a variety of collection services, including current and delinquent taxes, fees and fines, service charges and miscellaneous other local, state and federal receivables. Linebarger Goggan currently represents more than 1,700 governments throughout the country.

While we use advanced technologies to their fullest abilities, the cornerstone of our law firm is, and always has been, customer service. We tailor our collection programs to meet each client’s specific needs. By integrating extensive legal experience, proprietary collection systems and professional collection personnel, we offer our clients a proven, efficient, and effective means of collecting their government receivables.

Linebarger Goggan collects hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients each and every year.

Next Article: Executive Bio: Kennon Walthall
