Bankrate, Inc. announced today that it has released a new Debt Management Guide. Bankrate’s award-winning staff of personal finance writers have written over 45 articles that will help consumers make better-informed decisions regarding their personal credit and debt. The guide is designed to help consumers with problem credit, consumers who have little credit history and consumers with good credit who want to maintain or improve their credit scores. Topics covered in the guide include credit scoring, subprime loans, consolidating debt, identity theft, credit reports, predatory lending and improving your credit.

“Our experience is that most consumers don’t know where they stand,” said Daniel P. Ray, editor in chief of “It’s an interesting paradox. Often people who think they have good credit don’t. And, people who think they have bad credit are not as bad off as they think. This guide will help people understand the fundamental workings of credit — how behavior affects credit scores and credit reports and the increasing importance of these reports, the missteps that are possible and how to avoid them,” Mr. Ray added.

Bankrate debuted its Debt Management channel on May 1, 2005, in conjunction with the redesign of its Web site . The new channel offers consumers news and advice on debt solutions, rates available for people with problem credit and calculators to assist consumers in paying down their debt. To view the Debt Management Guide, go to

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