ACCESS Receivables Management today announced today that it has been chosen by Baltimore Smart CEO Magazine for the 2nd year in a row as one of the regions Top 50 fastest growing companies. Only twenty companies from 2004 made the list in 2005. The company will be honored at an awards ceremony to be held in Baltimore in December.

CEO and majority owner, Debra Gillespie said, “When we received this award last year it was a great honor and now that we are one of a handful of companies to make the list two (2) years in a row, I am especially pleased. Over the last year we have been fortunate to add many new clients to our company as well as expand our relationships with current clients. As a result, we have been able to create many new jobs within our company.”

Tom Gillespie, President added “ACCESS has once again proven that it is a driven organization with clearly defined goals and a well executed plan. We are already working on our growth plans for 2006 and we are confident that our continued focus on quality and service will enable us to build on our past success.”

In addition to the Baltimore Smart CEO awards, ACCESS has received awards as one of the fastest growing diversity businesses in the country by and an award for one of the largest Women Business Enterprises (WBE) in Maryland from Baltimore Business Journal in July of 2005.

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