The California Association of Collectors is proud to announce its 2002 education program, Collectively United. Working together is the foundation of CAC?s new educational program. Designed to address collection agency owners? and staff members? needs, industry experts will present the most useful information covering the latest FDCPA issues, HIPAA compliance and skiptracing. In an age when knowledge and its practical application can determine one?s level of success, owners, managers and collectors cannot afford to miss this great educational opportunity. Dates and locations are scheduled as follows: January 17, 2002 in Emeryville, California, February 21, 2002 in Woodland Hills, California and April 18, 2002 in San Diego, California.

Management Track
— HIPAA Course Information
Ron Sargis, CAC?s Legal Counsel, brings his twenty years of collection industry experience to help collection agency owners and managers understand the practical applications of the HIPAA requirements for agencies that perform traditional third-party debt collection activities, as well as agencies which provide outsourcing, billing, and other non-debt collection services in the medical industry. The privacy and security issues which now govern medical records, the scope of HIPAA as it applies to the medical industry, and the requirements it imposes on the medical industry when contracting with third parties also will be addressed.

— Skiptracing Course Information
With the technological boom of the last ten years, owners and managers of collection agencies are faced with more choices than ever to equip their collectors with the most powerful tools to increase collection efficiency. Understanding the power of internet tools and how to incorporate new products into the office environment will be the focus of this course. Presented by Mike Cheek of the California Business Bureau and Dan Steinman of Fidelity Creditor Service?two collection professionals with over 50 years of combined hands-on collection and skiptracing experience will address all of these issues and more!

Staff Member Track
— FDCPA Course Information
“What you don?t know will hurt you,? applies to collections, every minute of the work day. Educating collectors about how the FDCPA applies to their communications with debtors is an investment that employers will never regret. Presented by Ron Sargis, CAC?s Legal Counsel, questions such as what it means to validate a debt, or what does it mean to be the ?least sophisticated debtor,? will be addressed and much more!

— Skiptracing Course Information
Dan Steinman of Fidelity Creditor Service and Mike Cheek of the California Business Bureau present the basics of skiptracing, practical use of the Internet and other skiptracing tools, how the FDCPA applies to skiptracing, as well as evaluating accounts for optimum efficiency.

About the Association
Established in 1917, the California Association of Collectors is the oldest trade association in California. CAC is pledged to promote, stimulate, increase and improve the educational, social, economic, and ethical welfare of the California collection industry and the public which it serves; and to apply the collective knowledge and experience of its members toward maintaining an ethical standard of collection service.

For more information about Collectively United or to register visit or contact CAC?s Member Program Manager, Brandy Charlton at 916-929-2125 or

Next Article: Commercial Collection Agency Association Third Quarter Results
