Hudson & Keyse, LLC, a national leader in debt purchasing and sales, announced the appointment of Doug Richardson as Vice President of Marketing and Hamsi Shankar as Manager of Analytics.

Richardson is responsible for the creation, development and implementation of marketing strategies as well as oversight for corporate relations at Hudson & Keyse. Prior to joining the Firm, Richardson was a business development executive at Camp, Inc., a product development and innovation company.

"At this juncture, it’s critical that we position ourselves among our competitors and within our prospect universe as exactly who we are… an extremely aggressive, highly intelligent and ethical firm that provides precisely the right mix of service and value to client companies", said Joseph M. Carroll, President and CEO of Hudson & Keyse. "In addition, if we’re to continue to achieve our growth projections and satisfy our investors, we need to continue to compete for larger pieces of business. Doug’s experience will help us move toward that end", said Carroll.

Shankar is responsible for analytical research and the creation of forecasting models. Prior to joining Hudson & Keyse, Shankar worked as a consultant at NineSigma where she provided analytical support for the technology brokerage. Shankar has also worked at National City Bank as Research Projects Manager in the Direct Lending Group.

Said Carroll, "Our ability to analyze the accuracy of portfolio data is crucial on both the buy and sell sides. If we’re buying, we need to be certain that our profitability goals are achievable. If we’re selling, we want to protect our reputation as a reliable resource by making certain that our data is absolutely clean." Carroll continued, "Through the use of existing proprietary tools as well as the creation of new tools, Hamsi will improve our predictive analytical capabilities."


With an annualized growth rate of 800%, Hudson and Keyse ranked #25 on the 2005 Weatherhead 100 list of Cleveland’s Fastest Growing Companies. Pretax margin for 2006 is expected to exceed that of 2005 by 90%.

Hudson & Keyse is a leader in the debt buying and sales industry. Founded in 1984, the Firm provides clients with extraordinary service, highly competitive buy rates and outstanding portfolio selections while maintaining the highest standard for ethics and integrity.


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