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As previously reported here, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai had circulated a proposal to mandate carrier implementation of the STIR/SHAKEN call authentication protocol to reduce Caller ID spoofing.

Today, the FCC released a draft of its Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Draft Order) to implement the mandate, and seek comment on additional measures to combat illegal spoofing, including further implementation of the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act (TRACED Act).

Formal FCC consideration of the Draft Order will occur at the agency’s Open Meeting on March 31, 2020. It is reasonable to expect that it will be adopted, although between now and March 24, 2020, interested parties are allowed to seek changes.

The Fact Sheet accompanying the Draft Order outlines its contents as follows:

What the Order Would Do:

Require originating and terminating voice service providers to implement the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication framework in the Internet Protocol (IP) portions of their networks by June 30, 2021, a deadline that is consistent with the TRACED Act, which was recently passed by Congress.

What the Further Notice Would Do:

  • Propose to extend the STIR/SHAKEN implementation mandate to intermediate providers.
  • Propose to implement caller ID authentication and other provisions of the TRACED Act, including through proposals to: Grant an extension for compliance with the STIR/SHAKEN implementation mandate for small voice service providers so long as those providers implement a robocall mitigation program.
  • Require voice service providers using non-IP technology to either (i) upgrade their networks to IP to enable STIR/SHAKEN implementation, or (ii) work to develop non-IP caller ID authentication technology and implement a robocall mitigation program in the interim.
  • Establish a process by which a voice service provider may be exempt from the STIR/SHAKEN implementation mandate if the provider has achieved certain implementation benchmarks.
  • Prohibit voice service providers from imposing additional line item charges on consumers and small businesses for caller ID authentication.


The Draft Order sets comment dates for the rulemaking component as May 15, 2020, for initial comments and May 29, 2020, for reply comments.

TCPAWorld will continue to track and report as the FCC process moves forward.

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