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Sprint to Pay $2.95 Million Penalty to Settle FTC Charges It Violated Fair Credit Reporting Act

22 October 2015

Three Reasons Your Agency Needs to Be Focused on Disparate Impact

14 October 2015

FDCPA Litigation Totals Dropping But Still High; TCPA Unmoved in August

21 September 2015

FDCPA Lawsuits Up Sharply YTD in 2015 vs. 2014

21 August 2015

Lawsuits Against the Industry Up Across the Board

17 July 2015

Regional Compliance Meetings Offer Guidance, Problem-Solving, and Strategizing

14 July 2015

TransUnion Prices IPO; Values Company at $4 Billion

25 June 2015

The CFPB's Latest Supervision Report Highlights Compliance Deficits in the Collection Industry

24 June 2015

CFPB Takes Action Against Medical Debt Collector, Largely For Lack of Policies and Procedures

19 June 2015

Now in the CFPB's Sights: Collectors Hired by State & Local Government Agencies

15 June 2015

Graduation: ARM-U 2015 Highlights Need for Regulatory Clarity

5 June 2015

FTC Joins NY and GA in Action Against 3 Collection Agencies

22 May 2015

FDCPA/FCRA Litigation Trending Upward, TCPA & CFPB Complaints Down Slightly

19 May 2015

The Inconvenient Reality of Convenience Fees

18 May 2015

Supreme Court to Hear Case on Statutory Damages Without Actual Harm; Could Impact FDCPA Cases

29 April 2015

CFPB and FTC Settle Debt Collection Charges with Mortgage Servicer for $63 million

22 April 2015

Court Shuts Down Credit Repair Scam That Impersonates FTC

30 March 2015

Regulatory Pressure Leaves Data Furnishers on the Hook to Make Data Accuracy and Quality a Top Priority

17 March 2015

Adding Utility and Rental Payments to Credit Reports Could Help Millions: Experian

26 February 2015

CFPB Emphasizes Focus on Credit Reporting and Medical Debt Collection at Advisory Board Meeting

20 February 2015