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Proposed Legislation in Numerous States Would Negatively Impact the Collection Industry

21 May 2015

CFPB Company Complaint Portal Confusion

20 May 2015

Market Intelligence: How Much Do We Really Know About Our Market?

19 May 2015

The Inconvenient Reality of Convenience Fees

18 May 2015

Rozanne Andersen on Regulation – Medical Debt Trends

14 May 2015

Four Things Small Collection Agencies Can Do To Act Like the Big Guys and Grow

13 May 2015

Are You Throwing Away Your Marketing Dollars?

13 May 2015

Next Step in CFPB Debt Collection Rulemaking?

12 May 2015

CFPB: For Heaven’s Sake Help Consumers Communicate about Their Student Loan Resolution Options

11 May 2015

Debt Collection Drill: Common Sense Prevails in West Virginia?

11 May 2015

5 Key Points from CFPB’s Annual Report on FDCPA

8 May 2015

Top 10 Pitfalls to Avoid When Selling a Business

7 May 2015

Do Collector Bonuses Send the Wrong Message, Impact Compliance?

6 May 2015

Larger Market Participants Convene in Washington for High Level Discussion

4 May 2015

Supreme Court to Hear Case on Statutory Damages Without Actual Harm; Could Impact FDCPA Cases

29 April 2015

Filing a TCPA lawsuit? There's an App for that

27 April 2015

Taking Advantage of the Health Care Buzz

24 April 2015

Consumer Attorney Says CFPB Regulation Should be All About the Money

23 April 2015

House of Representatives Votes to Make CFPB Meetings Transparent...and Useless?

16 April 2015

Performing a Benchmark Analysis

15 April 2015