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CMS Releases Hospital Price Comparison Data

8 May 2013

Proposals to Cut Medicare Will Save Billions but Shift Burden, Risk

8 May 2013

Healthcare Digest 5/7: Could Healthcare Debt Reform Happen Now?

7 May 2013

Medicare Cuts Shift Burden onto Healthcare Providers, Not Insurers

7 May 2013

Quality of Care Linked to Billing, Collections

7 May 2013

Obamacare is Creating Back Office Jobs in Healthcare...This Year

6 May 2013

Fear of Violating HIPAA Puts Gun Laws, Sharing of Patient Data, at Risk

6 May 2013

Healthcare Digest 5/3: Crowd-Funding Healthcare is Probably the Future

3 May 2013

Study Finds Medicaid Expansion Reduces Healthcare Debt but Fails to Improve Health

2 May 2013

Healthcare Digest 5/2: Florida House Democrats Stall for Healthcare Reform

2 May 2013

Medicare Evades Automatic Cuts for 2015, Actuary Declares

2 May 2013

Healthcare Digest 5/1: President's Healthcare Reform is Great, Says President

1 May 2013

Americans Ignorant About Healthcare Reform Law; President Promises Fix

1 May 2013

Don't Get Overwhelmed by Health Insurance Exchanges

1 May 2013

Feds Shorten Health Exchange Application to 12 Pages

1 May 2013

CMS Announces New Medicare Reimbursement Rates for 2014

30 April 2013

iPF on Forbes: You're Responsible for Your Medical Debt

30 April 2013

Healthcare Digest 4/30: $1 Trillion in Healthcare Savings Possible -- Maybe -- Probably Not

30 April 2013

What Happened to the IRS 240-Day Ban on Hospital Bill Collections?

29 April 2013

Healthcare Digest 4/29: Infographic Hopes to Explain Healthcare Reform

29 April 2013