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NYC Proposes Amendments to Debt Collection Rules; Comments Due by Nov 29th

The New York Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) is proposing to amend its rules relating to debt collectors. The lengthy proposals cover many aspects of the debt collection cycle, including validation, verification, consumer communication, credit reporting, monthly reporting, and recordkeeping. The proposal also includes specific provisions relative to medical debt and time-barred debt.

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Navigating Collections Licensing: How to Reduce Financial, Legal, and Regulatory Exposure 

Unique state requirements and rapidly changing licensing regulations require constant attention. Mistakes are costly, and risks are high. Download the white paper from Cornerstone to learn more about:

  • Licensing errors and what they really cost

  • How to tackle licensing issues

  • The pros and cons of different licensing methods

  • How to rate your organization's risk; and

  • How to mitigate risks

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Senate Banking Committee Debates AI in Finance: Balancing Opportunities and Risks

On September 20, the Senate Banking Committee held its first hearing on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial services space, further revealing a partisan divide regarding the utilities and risks associated with the technology.

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Harvest Strategy Group is Positioned for Growth

DENVER, Colo. -- Harvest Strategy Group is pleased to announce the expansion of its leadership team with the addition of two industry veterans, Cathy Fellabaum as VP Recovery and Jennifer Young as VP Operations as well as the promotion of Scott Hoffman to VP Client Services.

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October 11 Was a Red-Letter Day in the Growing Federal-State War on Fees

On October 11, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) published a special edition of its Supervisory Highlights report. This report serves as a “victory lap” for the Bureau, which highlights the relief it has obtained for consumers since the release of its March 2023 Special Fees Edition, discussed here. According to the Bureau, its supervisory efforts have led to institutions refunding over $140 million to consumers, including $120 million in overdraft and non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees.

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“Fair Credit Dispute” Lawsuits Deluge Consumer Finance Industry: Three Strategies to Avoid Liability

Companies that report consumer accounts to the credit reporting agencies are experiencing an unprecedented increase in so-called “Fair Credit Dispute” lawsuits. These hybrid consumer claims typically assert violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) and/or the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) arising from a similar factual pattern (discussed below). Due to the sheer volume of new cases filed nationwide, this surge of Fair Credit Dispute litigation is being compared to the thousands of cases the credit and collection industry faced recently with both Telephone Consumer Protection Act lawsuits and Hunstein lawsuits.

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Spire Continues Community Outreach in Q3 With Veterans and Local School Support

LOCKPORT, N.Y. -- Spire Recovery Solutions, a respected and compliant collection agency headquartered in Lockport, NY, continued its community outreach efforts with another involved quarter focusing on veterans support and the local school district.

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Work Smarter, Not Harder - Keeping Tabs On Laws, Rules, and Regs (and keeping ops looped in)

25 October 2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Laws are constantly changing. State and Federal Regulators continue to pass new rules, and already established laws continue to get clarified through the court systems. Legal compliance is never static; it is always dynamic. In the ARM industry, legal changes filter through and affect every part of an organization. Staying on top of these changes and ensuring all relevant parties within an organization get updates can seem like a never-ending task.

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