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CFPB Reacts Quickly and Favorably to Petition Submitted to it by Consumer Groups to Ban Pre-dispute Arbitration

Last week, a group of consumer advocate organizations filed a Petition for Rulemaking with the CFPB that would prohibit the use of pre-dispute arbitration clauses in consumer contracts in favor of arbitration clauses that would permit consumers to choose between arbitration and litigation only after a dispute has arisen. We published a blog last Friday in which we enumerated the many flaws in the Petition and urged the CFPB to reject it.

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There are multiple ways for collection organizations to handle their licensing, but which way is best? 

Unique state requirements and rapidly changing licensing regulations require constant attention. Mistakes are costly, and risks are high. Download this new white paper from Cornerstone, authored by insideARM's General Counsel, Missy Meggison, to learn more about:

  • Licensing errors and what they really cost

  • How to tackle licensing issues

  • The pros and cons of different licensing methods

  • How to rate your organization's risk; and

  • How to mitigate risks

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Michigan Federal Court Grants Summary Judgment to Creditor on Standing Grounds in Case Alleging FDCPA Violation for Failure to Remove Dispute Notification

On September 7, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan granted summary judgment in the defendant’s favor finding that the plaintiff had not suffered a concrete injury and therefore lacked standing to assert a claim under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA).

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NJ Appellate Division Holds Debt Purchaser Not Liable Under NJ Consumer Fraud Act for Failing to Obtain State License

A recent decision from the New Jersey Appellate Division comes as welcome relief for purchasers of defaulted debt. The decision, Woo-Padva v. Midland Funding LLC, concerns the New Jersey Consumer Finance Licensing Act (CFLA), and whether a debt buyer who failed to have such a license could be liable under the state’s consumer protection law.

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ConServe Cares Program: Supporting Our Veterans

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Continental Service Group, LLC, d/b/a ConServe, in conjunction with the company’s “Matching Gift Program”, donated its August ConServe Cares proceeds to the Veterans Outreach Center (VOC).  The ConServe team supports and funds the efforts of numerous local non-profit agencies that strive to make a difference.  As a result of the employees’ compassion and generosity. countless lives have been touched and enriched in our community.

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Blocking Medical Debt from Credit Reports Harms Doctors, Says New Lawsuit

A California Dermatologist recently filed a class action lawsuit against the three major credit reporting agencies (CRAs), alleging the CRAs' decision to stop reporting medical debt below $500.00 has caused him and other medical professionals nationwide irreparable financial harm. Further, he claims that removing medical debt below $500.00 from credit reports will diminish access to medical care by driving providers out of certain markets.

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Increase right-party contact with Phone Number ID™ [sponsored]

Third-party debt collectors and collection agencies have a tough balancing act to perform. They need to optimize their outbound communications and right-party contacts (RPCs) but must do so within the confines of strict regulations. Effectively reaching debtors can be difficult when facing a sea of internal and external pressures. You don't want to expend too many resources on a wrong number, but you don't want to give up on a good number too soon. With dedicated RPC tools, you can streamline your processes, transforming a difficult task into a manageable one.

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Work Smarter, Not Harder - Keeping Tabs On Laws, Rules, and Regs (and keeping ops looped in)

25 October 2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Laws are constantly changing. State and Federal Regulators continue to pass new rules, and already established laws continue to get clarified through the court systems. Legal compliance is never static; it is always dynamic. In the ARM industry, legal changes filter through and affect every part of an organization. Staying on top of these changes and ensuring all relevant parties within an organization get updates can seem like a never-ending task.

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