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FCC Issues Mixed-Bag Amended TCPA Exemptions Order

As previously reported here, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a proposed rule in December 2020 that would place new call-frequency limitations and opt-out requirements on certain prerecorded non-telemarketing calls to residential numbers that can be called without prior consent under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

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Charting the Course and Steering Toward Success: The Collections Industry in 2022

In this new, in-depth market report from TransUnion, prepared in collaboration with research firm Aite-Novarica Group, you'll find insights into ​the trends, challenges and innovations reshaping third-party collections. ​Learn more about what’s currently going on in the industry, where we go from here and how you can best position your organization for the future.

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Slovin & Associates Donates Resources for Troubled Youth in Need

CINCINNATI, OH -- Slovin & Associates continued their support over the holiday season for a vulnerable and marginalized group of at-risk youth in their community — unhoused or underhoused teenagers. The firm contributed gift cards and hoodies to the Lighthouse Youth & Family Services organization, which were given as Christmas gifts to youth receiving services at the LYFS facility.

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Third Circuit Confirms Collectors Can Rely on Court Records

ARM industry participants tend to be perfectionists because the reality is that they can be held accountable for nearly every mistake, whether intentional or not. Recently, however, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals found a debt collector was not responsible for an error they could not see coming…the Court’s.

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CFPB Proposes Significant Changes to Credit Card Late Fee Rules, Including Reduction in Late Fee Safe Harbor Amounts and Elimination of Annual Inflation Adjustments

We suspected something was afoot when December 2022 came and went without the CFPB announcing its annual inflation adjustments to the credit card late fee safe harbor amounts set forth in Regulation Z (which implements the Truth in Lending Act).  With the CFPB’s issuance on February 1, 2023, of a proposal to substantially reduce the safe harbor amounts, eliminate the annual inflation adjustments, and make other significant changes to the Regulation Z rules for credit card late fees, we now know the reason for the CFPB’s inaction on the adjustments. Comments on the proposal must be filed by April 3, 2023 or 30 days after the date the proposal is published in the Federal Register, whichever is later.

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VeriFacts Gives Back

STERLING, Ill. -- VeriFacts, the leading location and employment verification service provider in the accounts receivable management (ARM) industry located in Sterling, IL, gave back this past holiday season with four separate community donation drives aimed at providing for its community’s children.

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California DFPI Adopts CRC’s Comments in Update to Pending Regulation

To avoid unintended consequences of new regulations, industry participants routinely submit comments to regulatory bodies. Heeding some of these warnings, the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) recently incorporated the Consumer Relations Consortium’s (CRC) suggestions regarding its proposed complaints and inquiries regulation.

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Work Smarter Not Harder - Streamline Your Audit Process

28 February 2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Audits take up a huge amount of time and energy- but they are a critical component of a functioning compliance department. Auditing provides a path for an organization to find small issues before they become big. Perhaps more importantly, clients and regulators expect their vendors and even the purchasers of their debt to perform routine audits. As the regulatory environment continues to expand, the audit process gets larger and larger.

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