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Controversial Minnesota Debt Fairness Act Signed into Law

This February the Minnesota Legislature looked poised to strike a major blow to the debt collection industry with its proposed language for the Minnesota Debt Fairness Act. As we reported, the original bill included a drastic reduction in the statute of limitations for consumer debt and judgments on consumer debt, a prohibition on credit reporting medical debt, and changes to attorney’s fees and garnishments. The final version of the bill (see full text here) is set to become law as it was signed by the Minnesota Governor on May 21, 2024. Thankfully it doesn’t include all of what was originally proposed. Below we will break down the major changes enacted by this bill and when they will go into effect.

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How Lenders Are Increasing Agent Workload – Without Burnout: Digital Strategies and Agent Stability in Collections   

Despite rising caseloads and communication demands, agent turnover has remained steady in recent years for first-party collections shops. Data from Auriemma Roundtables suggests e-communications and workforce management changes could help explain this decoupling between workload and burnout. In this study, you’ll see how lenders used digital communications and innovative workforce strategies to enhance efficiency and navigate the evolving collections landscape.   

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BNPL Accounts = Credit Cards Says CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is wasting no time flexing its muscles now that the Supreme Court has confirmed its funding structure is constitutional. Today, the CFPB announced via press release that it was issuing an Interpretive Rule (Rule) to confirm that Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) lenders are credit card providers. The Rule lists the requirements for BNPL lenders regarding dispute investigations, consumer refunds or cancellation of services, and billing statements.

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Using AI: 3 Operational and Compliance Advantages

Debates about Artificial intelligence, its usefulness, and its drawbacks seem to be taking place everywhere in the collections industry these days. Some debt collectors have gone all in, others have dipped their toes in the proverbial waters, and still others have taken a wait-and-see approach. Here are three Operational and Compliance Advantages to consider if your organization is thinking about AI implementation.

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Universal Fidelity Announces Jessica Hearn as Sole Owner

HOUSTON, TX. -- Universal Fidelity is excited to announce a significant milestone in their journey. They are proud to announce the 100% ownership of Universal Fidelity LP by CEO Jessica Hearn. Universal Fidelity started providing national collection services in 1991 and Jessica began her career in the account receivable industry in 1996 at the company. Jessica has brought a wealth of expertise, having successfully navigated the industry's complexities with a steadfast commitment to excellence.

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Answers to FAQs - CFPB Funding Case

By now, most of our readers have heard that on May 16, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that the funding structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) does not violate the Constitution. In a prepared statement released on May 17, 2024, Director Chopra laid out what he thinks the SCOTUS opinion means for the CFPB and its focus, but what does this really mean for your organization? Will it impact your day-to-day business? What should ARM industry participants look out for in the future?  In addition to covering Director Chopra's plans, we’ll answer those and some other Frequently Asked Questions.

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insideARM Weekly Recap- Week of May 13th, 2024

The ARM industry is never short on surprises. This past week was a perfect example of that and shows how difficult it can be to keep up with the big news and changes week in and week out. That’s why we at insideARM aim to bring you only the biggest stories that we feel you need to know about. Last week we brought you breaking news on the CFPB’s Late Fee Rule and an important Supreme Court ruling on the CFPB's funding structre, as well as advice on how to handle the aftermath of regulatory examinations, and a surprising development out California. Read on for a breakdown of last week's news and why we think you need to know about it!

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RA Compliance Corner: Internal Controls- When and How to Effectively Use Them

12 June 2024 at 02:00 p.m.

Though they may want to, compliance professionals can’t review every request or monitor everything that goes on in their organization. To effectively safeguard their organizations from risks, compliance professionals must establish a robust internal control system. 

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