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Boost Disputes Management Efficiency with Three Steps

Just like everyone else, you’re being flooded with credit reporting disputes. Disputes volumes continue to exhaust dispute processing operations. And volumes and complaints continue to rise. In 2021, the CFPB received more than 500,000 credit or consumer reporting complaints as compared to 319,000 in 2020 (roughly 57% increase).

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Seven Steps to Get Calls Answered and Restore Trust in the Phone

The outbound calling channel is a critical point of interaction with consumers, but thanks to robocalls and spoofed calls, consumers don’t pick up the phone unless they know who’s calling. Find out how to boost call answer rates, increase operational efficiency, and restore confidence with consumers in seven easy steps with a new whitepaper from Neustar, a TransUnion company.

Give customers a reason to pick up the phone. Download the whitepaper now.

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Is Express Revocation Necessary? District Court Finds Genuine Dispute of Material Fact Regarding TCPA Consent, Absent Evidence of Express Revocation

A Kentucky district court judge recently granted in part and denied in part a defendant’s motion for summary judgment in a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) case, Barnett v. First National Bank of Omaha. The court held that the plaintiff’s request to have information sent to him via the mail instead of over the phone, along with the plaintiff’s refusal to talk to a collector when the defendant called after choosing mailed delivery, gave rise to a genuine issue of fact as to whether the plaintiff revoked consent to be contacted, even without explicit revocation. In Barnett v. First National Bank of Omaha, the court examined consent and revocation under the FCC regulations that implement the requirements of the TCPA.

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TJ44 and Provana Establish Compliance Advisory

PALM SPRINGS, Calif -- Provana, provider of the industry’s first unified platform for compliance and performance management, today announced a strategic partnership with TJ44 Consulting LLC, a compliance consultancy founded by Tara Trantham, who was previously Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer at Southern Management Corporation, in addition to General Counsel and Senior Vice President at World Acceptance Corporation (WRLD).

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NY Federal Court Blocks Retroactive Judgment Interest Law

A New York federal judge on April 28 temporarily enjoined three New York sheriffs from refusing to enforce judgment executions which seek to collect judgment interest “calculated with the interest rate in effect at the time the judgment was obtained.”

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Compliance Advisor, Tonia Brown, Joins ARM Compliance Business Solutions, LLC.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- ARM Compliance Business Solutions is excited to announce that Tonia Brown has joined the company as a Senior Compliance Advisor. In this role, Tonia will navigate ARM Compliance Business Solutions clients through the ever-changing regulatory compliance requirements of consumer financial laws by enhancing their Compliance Management System through policy development and implementation, training development, service provider oversight, audit controls, and risk assessments.

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CFPB Issues Annual FDCPA Report; FTC Issues Annual Letter on Debt Collection to CFPB

The CFPB has issued its annual Fair Debt Collection Practices Act report covering the CFPB’s debt collection activities in 2021.  The report incorporates information from the FTC’s most recent annual letter to the CFPB describing its 2021 activities in the debt collection market, including information about the FTC’s enforcement actions involving collection practices directed at small businesses.

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Complete Guide to Risk and Gap Assessments Part 2 - Corralling and Evaluating the Laws

12 May 2022 at 02:00 p.m.

Companies across the ARM industry have been busy lately - adding new technology, changing workflows and processes, and hustling to comply with Regulation F. Big shifts like these inevitably create new blind spots and add potential risk. You know regulators and consumer attorneys are looking for those blind spots. You have to find them first. In our last webinar, we discussed how to get started. In this webinar, we’ll help you start working on the actual assessment.

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