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Rhode Island Enacts Haphazard Customer Data Privacy Law

Rhode Island Senate Bill 2500, the “Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protection Act,” was enacted on June 28 without Gov. Dan McKee’s signature. The Act will go into effect Jan. 1, 2026.

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[Webinar] Legal Hot Topics in the ARM Industry 

You need to know the latest, most important legal news to stay ahead and protect your business, but how do you know where to focus? Start here. Get an hour of helpful legal guidance on today's most important challenges from three seasoned attorneys during Legal Hot Topics on July 18, at 2pm ET. Register now. 


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The Roller Coaster of Consumer Spending, the Whiplash of Consumer Sentiment, and How to Effectively Engage for Collections

At the end of 2023, economists were hoping for a “boring” 2024—just a relatively uneventful year thanks to a soft landing with downward trends for inflation, unemployment, and interest rates. But instead, the first half of 2024 has been an economic roller coaster for consumer spending, resulting in a whiplash for consumer sentiment. While the soft landing may still be on track, that track doesn’t appear to be as straightforward as hoped. There is an onslaught of mixed messages:

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Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine in Landmark Administrative Law Decision

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo overruling the Chevron doctrine. This decision marks a watershed moment in administrative law, fundamentally altering the landscape for judicial review of agency actions under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of June 24th, 2024

There is never a shortage of news in the ARM space, but how do you determine what is worth knowing? That’s where we come in! Our editorial team brings you only the most important news each week. Last week in the ARM industry was a true mixed bag with news from the Colorado legislature, a warning shot from the CFPB, and some inter-industry data to help forecast the remainder of the year. For highlights of these stories and why we at insideARM felt you needed to hear about them, read on!

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Debt Collection Industry Trends and Insights 2024

In the evolving landscape of collections and loss mitigation, understanding the operational challenges and emerging trends is crucial for developing effective strategies. So, we pulsed the industry to shed light on these aspects, offering valuable insights for industry professionals.

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The CFPB’s Increased Focus on Medical Financing Products

Over the course of the last year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) has increased its scrutiny of medical financing products, such as medical credit cards and installment loans. In July 2023, the CFPB and other federal agencies launched an inquiry into medical payment products, discussed here. Last week, when the CFPB announced its proposed rule to ban the reporting of medical debt on consumer reports, discussed here, it stated it was considering action related to medical financing products. Then this week, the CFPB published a blog examining how financial institutions market their products to healthcare providers in an effort to ensure “consumers aren’t pushed into medical payment products.” The CFPB’s ongoing discourse on this topic signals a potential regulatory crackdown may be coming.

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Learn how current ARM tech can benefit your organization.

Businesses rely on technology for operational efficiency and an improved consumer experience. New advancements are a constant and leaders are sure to have questions around the current tech trends in the ARM industry and the potential value of adopting them.

In this new ebook, Finvi answers the most common questions they hear from customers and provides insight into the these trends, detailing how automation, SaaS and AI can benefit your organization. 

Download now to learn more.