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Nevada Expands Collection Agency Licensing Requirements

On June 16, the Nevada governor signed SB 276 (the “Act”) to revise certain provisions relating to debt collection agencies and make amendments to the state’s collection agency licensing law. While existing law requires collection agencies to be licensed, the amendments expand the type of activities that trigger collection agency licensure.

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Top Ten Findings for Collections: The State of Customer Outreach

In this new ebook from TransUnion, based on their recent survey on the current state of outbound contact channels and solutions, you'll learn their top ten findings including what collectors said about:

  • How their top business and strategic goals are tied to improving the customer experience

  • Why collectors link the outbound call experience to the overall customer experience

  • How phone behavior intelligence and branded calling solutions are helping them increase right-party contact rates and enhance the customer experience

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Texas Enacts Data Privacy and Security Act with Small Business Exception

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on June 18 signed into law House Bill 4, the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act.  This makes Texas the 10th state to enact a comprehensive consumer data privacy law, following California, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, Connecticut,  Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee, and Montana.

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14 Calls in 22 Days is Reasonable, Says Court

Collecting debt can sometimes feel like a delicate balancing act; debt collectors must navigate challenging situations with precision and care. Getting a consumer on the phone to discuss their account can be difficult, especially considering the concern of potential Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) violations for calling too often. While that is true to an extent, a recent North Carolina case highlights that reasonable calling is still permitted despite general inconvenience or annoyance to the consumer.

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Land O’ Lakes Director and Former NACARA President Named to Independent Standards Board

Chicago, Ill. -- Commercial Collection Agencies of America is proud to announce the appointments of Mike Thelen and Will Lund to the Independent Standards Board effective immediately.

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Seventh Circuit Rules $3.95 in Postage Spent by Plaintiff to Respond to Second Validation Notice Sufficient to Establish FDCPA Standing

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has ruled that a plaintiff in a putative class action had standing to assert FDCPA claims against the purchaser of her debt and the purchaser’s servicer based on the $3.95 she paid in postage to respond to a second validation letter after she had already responded to the first validation notice.

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Collection Triggers: Debt Collectors’ Best Kept Secret [sponsored]

Optimizing your collection strategy is always critical, but getting things right can be especially pressing when faced with economic uncertainty and an increase in delinquencies. A data-driven prioritization strategy can help improve recovery rates while minimizing lost time and costs.

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Women in Consumer Finance 2023

11 December 2023 at 08:00 a.m.

Become a part of the industry's most dynamic and influential annual meet-up, where attendees build real friendships and re-energize careers, when you attend Women in Consumer Finance 2023, December 11-13, 2023 in Palm Springs, CA. 

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