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Who’s Calling?: Augment Your Collections Strategy by Telling Consumers Who’s on the Line

People don’t answer calls from unknown callers. Unsurprisingly, according to insideARM,  the generally-regarded top reason established customers and new customers don’t answer calls is because they come from an unknown caller. Collectors report that roughly two-thirds of both new and existing customers don’t answer the phone because the call’s coming from an unknown caller. In fact, the answer rate for collections calls is sometimes as low as .5%.

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There are multiple ways for collection organizations to handle their licensing, but which way is best? 

Unique state requirements and rapidly changing licensing regulations require constant attention. Mistakes are costly, and risks are high. Download this new white paper from Cornerstone, authored by insideARM's General Counsel, Missy Meggison, to learn more about:

  • Licensing errors and what they really cost

  • How to tackle licensing issues

  • The pros and cons of different licensing methods

  • How to rate your organization's risk; and

  • How to mitigate risks

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MetCredit Appoints Christen Rumbles as Chief Financial Officer

EDMONTON, Canada -- MetCredit, a national collection agency serving many of Canada’s largest telecommunications firms, financial institutions, retailers, and B2B organizations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Christen Rumbles as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Christen brings a wealth of financial expertise and strategic leadership to the organization.

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Failure to Allege FDCPA Violation in State Court Leads to Tossing of Federal Suit

It can be frustrating when a consumer files a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) lawsuit in federal court despite the existence of a previous or ongoing state court action to collect the debt at issue. Recently, however, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with a debt buyer, agreeing that a consumer’s federal FDCPA lawsuit could not proceed because the consumer should have raised his concerns in a previous state court action regarding the debt.

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New York District Court Approves Class Action in FDCPA Case Alleging Improper Debt Assignment Notification

On August 18, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York granted the plaintiff’s motion for class certification for alleged violations of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) relating to an allegedly improper debt assignment notification.

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Industry Veteran Gregory Straub Joins Pollack & Rosen, P.A.

MIAMI, FL – The law firm of Pollack & Rosen, P.A., is proud to announce that Gregory Straub has joined the firm as Executive Vice President.

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CFPB Agrees to Settlement with Credit Repair Companies for $2.7 Billion And Ten-Year Industry Ban

The CFPB filed a proposed stipulated judgment and order—which will take effect if approved by the federal district court—including $2.66 billion for consumer redress and $64 million in civil penalties. The companies neither admitted nor denied the CFPB's factual allegations, but they agreed to the settlement and stipulated to the entry of an order that will ban them from engaging in any activities relating to the telemarketing of credit repair services for ten years.

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Streamline Your Collections Process Using Voice AI

TOMORROW! September 12, 2023 at 02:00 p.m. ET

Voice AI used to set collections agencies apart from their competition. Soon, it will be table stakes. If your organization isn’t exploring adding Voice AI to your strategy, you’ll be left behind. 

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