by Mike Bevel,

According to Massachusetts?s attorney general, J.A. Cambece Law Office PC violated state and federal debt-collection laws by using profane language, placing calls to consumers at improper hours, making unauthorized communications with consumers at their places of employment, and failing to provide proof of the validity of debts.

This puts J.A. Cambece in some pretty hot water ? and $75K poorer. They?ll also have to implement procedures to protect indebted consumers as part of a settlement reached with the state?s Attorney General?s office.

The settlement “imposes restrictions on this firm to protect consumers from abusive practices,” Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly said in a prepared statement. “It also sends a message to the collection industry that abusive tactics will not be tolerated.”

In an industry already embattled by consumer perception, agencies that work aggressively outside the law make it difficult for debt collectors everywhere. Cambece, of course, is denying any wrongdoing; the price of $75K seems pretty high to pay for not transgressing the law, however.

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