Salt Lake City — IAT, a leading provider of communications solutions for the collection industry and related markets, announced today that integration with Payment Vision®, the popular payment gateway powered by Autoscribe Corp, is complete and is being used by clients to successfully automate payments. Interactive collection messages can include self-service payment options with real-time authorization by Payment Vision.

IAT clients who contract with Payment Vision enjoy the simplicity and profitability of real-time payment verification with both hosted (CT Impact®) and site-premised (CT Center®) “Demand for Payment” dialogues. Debtors can pay by ACH, credit and debit card, completely unattended. Payment Vision Gateway Svcs are hosted in a SAS70 Type II, PCI compliant environment and require zero IT resources to implement. The payment plug-in features a web-based administrative console which provides a real-time view to all payment activity.

Dave Rudd, President and CEO of IAT, said, “The staff of Payment Vision was very easy to work with during the integration development process. The interaction between our organizations was smooth and always focused on what the end-user would need to be successful. Our clients are reporting great results using Payment Vision’s services. This is a winning combination for both companies’ customers.”

Sean Fleming, Director of Payment Vision Gateway Svcs, Autoscribe Corporation, said, “It’s easy to see why IAT has had such great success with its communication solutions. They have a great product and a great team behind it. With the integration now complete, IAT is already proving to be a very effective payment channel. I think customers will be very excited when they start to see IAT payments appearing on their Payment Vision dashboard.”

Autoscribe will be exhibiting and talking about Payment Vision at the IAT User Conference, April 14 – 17, in New Orleans.

About IAT
IAT provides predictive dialing and interactive communications contacting solutions for the collection industry and related markets. Their products are installed in hundreds of organizations throughout the U.S., Canada, and South Africa. Using their cutting-edge product offering, CT Center, their predictive dialer and outbound/inbound IVR communications systems can operate simultaneously on a single Windows platform. In addition to site-premised systems, CT Impact, IAT’s Hosted Broadcast Messaging and Predictive Dialer service, increases debt recovery without an initial capital investment. By developing quality, collection-specific products and services, and providing outstanding customer service and support, IAT helps customers become significantly more productive and profitable. Founded in 1986, IAT is a privately held company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. To learn more about IAT, CT Center, and CT Impact, visit, send an email to, or call 800-574-8801.

About Payment Vision Gateway Svcs®
Payment Vision® is the Internet payment gateway popular among corporate billers across various industries for its ease of use and consumer friendly payment windows. The gateway services include the PayAgent® virtual terminal and consumer friendly self-service windows such as PayWeb® & PayIVR®. The gateway services extend payment processing features to software publishers via PayAPI®, a SOAP based XML web service. Payment Vision Gateway Svcs® is powered by Autoscribe Corporation, one of the largest electronic payment processors in the U.S., processing over $4.5 billion in transactions annually. For more information about Payment Vision® or Autoscribe, visit


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