A Pennsylvania borough is looking to engage the services of a collection agency to recoup lost revenue for the cash-strapped town.

Hightstown, Pa., contacted Ohio-based Cost Recovery Corp., to bill insurance companies for police and fire department response to accidents.

“Responding to these accidents, the majority of which are not injury associated, consumes a considerable portion of time and resources desperately needed by police and fire departments to combat crime and extinguish structure fires,” the CRC explains on its website.

On its Web site, the company acknowledges that some insurance companies are none too happy with what it is doing.

“We have received support and payments from several hundred insurance companies,” the Web site claims. “Unfortunately, there are a few that are aggressively trying to keep from paying and are encouraging their competitors to do the same.”

CRC is only supposed to bill insurance companies. However, several complaints have been registered against CRC for contacting motorists involved in accidents. A Pennsylvanian newspaper attempted to contact CRC President Regina Moore. Moore declined to answer emailed questions, stating that the “issue is far too important to risk miscommunication. Citizens lives are at risk and due to the media slant of late, I only do live, unedited interviews.”

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