Convergys Corporation, a global leader in customer care, human resources, and billing services, announced today that Corporate University Xchange (CUX) has awarded Convergys the Best Practice Excellence and Innovation in Corporate Learning Award for Leadership Development.

CUX, the leading provider of corporate university research, benchmarking, and advisory services, recognized Convergys’ Global Talent Development for successfully implementing high-impact leadership and development programs targeted to managers, high potentials, and senior executive leadership. CUX salutes those corporate and government learning organizations that create exciting and impactful programs that result in measurable improvements in employee and business performance.

"Each of Convergys’ winning programs has a measurable impact on the company’s ability to successfully execute its business strategy," said Sue Todd, president and CEO of CUX. "We congratulate Convergys."

"Within Convergys, we utilize an extensive management and leadership development program for our employees, from entry-level up through our senior management," said Clark Handy, Convergys senior vice president of human resources. "Convergys’ leadership development programs help us attract, recruit, and retain the best employees, and improve their performance on behalf of our clients every day."

Convergys’ proven strength in recruiting, training, equipping, deploying, and effectively managing very large groups of people with diverse skills on a global basis enables Convergys to effectively leverage its talent to quickly solve client problems and deliver innovative solutions. Convergys is Outthinking and Outdoing ™ on behalf of its clients every day.

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