Though it was hoping to go with someone local, the city of Columbus, Georgia, has instead gone with Revenue Discovery Systems of Alabama as their collection agency of choice.

The push to find local talent isn’t over, however.  The Columbus Council is assigning accounts to RDS, but is allowing local companies to submit bids for a contract for next year.

Columbus is looking to recoup outstanding landfill fees and other monies owed the city.

The agreement with RDS of Birmingham, passed with a unanimous vote, will last through the end of this year. Councilors asked that the city invite other companies to apply for the contract that would go into effect in January 2008.

The city has about $700,000 in delinquent landfill fees still eligible for collection. At least $2.2 million in uncollectible landfill fees was discovered in a recent probe of the city’s landfill fee collection process.

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