Oracle, the worldwide market share leader of Master Data Management (MDM) software and services, and Acxiom Corporation, a world leader in customer and information management solutions, announced an intent to work together to offer the industry’s first pre-packaged and integrated, content rich Knowledge-Based MDM solution. Leveraging both companies’ respective strengths and technology, Oracle and Acxiom plan to bring to market a powerful, integrated solution that will allow organizations to better understand their customers, and help increase sales and marketing effectiveness and reduce overall cost of ownership with faster implementation and deployment.

"With the Knowledge-Based MDM solution, Acxiom and Oracle are making a significant step towards providing an economically compelling pre-packaged third generation MDM solution," said Chief Research Officer for the CDI Institute Aaron Zornes. "With this announcement, enterprises can expect fast time-to-value with accurate customer data in an economical and real-time offering."

MDM solutions provide the ability to consolidate and federate disparate systems and lines of business into one central data repository. Acxiom is the world’s largest processor of consumer data and collects and manages more than a billion records a day for its customers, which include nine of the country’s top ten credit-card issuers and most major retail banks, insurers and automakers. By integrating Acxiom’s consumer data with Oracle’s comprehensive MDM solutions, Oracle plans to provide customers with a pre-packaged, content-enriched customer information repository with unprecedented levels of data quality. This hybrid approach to customer data management will help clients conduct better, faster and easier MDM projects and perform more targeted marketing campaigns to cross-sell and up-sell into existing customer accounts.

Oracle’s MDM solutions serve as a customer data hub to unify customer data across multiple business units and functionally disparate systems. Oracle’s comprehensive functionality manages customer data over the entire lifecycle: from capturing customer data, to cleansing addresses and spelling, identifying potential duplicates, consolidating duplicates, enhancing customer profiles with external data and distributing the authoritative customer profile to the operational systems.

"Pre-packaged, integrated and up-to-date consumer information is of critical importance for competitive, consumer facing, intensive industries such as financial services, retail and telecommunications," said Oracle Vice President of MDM Strategy Pascal Laik. "Acxiom is a trusted partner among leading global companies and we are pleased to be working with them to combine our respective strengths, and continue to demonstrate Oracle’s leadership and vision for the MDM market with our planned offering."

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