LiveVox Inc., the provider of Private VoIP Cloud™ contact center applications, today announced the ability for call centers to maximize cell phone dialing results while addressing compliance goals by leveraging off-shore to on-shore sub-second warm transfers and global skills-based routing capabilities in a single cost-effective campaign.

Growing concern over TCPA regulations regarding cell phones have made it difficult for call centers to retain agent productivity levels and Right Party Contact (RPC) goals. In response, LiveVox helped develop a strategy that leverages its Global ACD for sub-second warm transfers to route calls from off-shore to on-shore agents.

Multi-site call centers can now match the longest and least valuable portion of a call (initiating manual dials & establishing RPC’s) to their least-costly resource and the most-valuable portion (closing/talk-off) to their highest-cost/highest skill resource without impacting service levels. Estimated cost savings per RPC between an off-shore and on-shore agent average 88% per RPC or $6.07 per RPC with adjustments made for differences in labor cost and off-shore RPC/Hr rates according to recent analysis.

“We are very pleased to be able to provide a robust strategy for cell phone compliance to our multi-site clients,” said Louis Summe, Chief Executive Officer, LiveVox. “Traditional site-premised technology simply cannot accomplish this without large capital and resource investments. This is a prime example of how our platform significantly impacts the way call centers approach a changing business environment.”

LiveVox’s fully burstable PCI-certified Cloud platform creates a real-time virtual queue of all agents–regardless of location or business silo. Through GUI-based web applications, clients have the ability to configure a work-force from anywhere in the world, including off-shore and on-shore agents, site-based or home-based into a single campaign.

Unlike traditional premised networks that are not only unable to easily transfer voice & data simultaneously, but also create 30-second to 1-minute delays, LiveVox’s enhanced transfer capabilities with real-time screen pop preserve end-user experience – minimizing abandonment rates. Call centers also maintain full security, visibility, reporting and control (e.g. coach, monitor and barge) across the entire campaign.

Added LiveVox CMO John McNamara, “Enabling contact centers to seamlessly link their entire operations in order to execute business solutions such as one that addresses TCPA compliance, is a huge and timely benefit. For the contact center industry, the ability to finally unlock the synergies of their strategic sites is a game changer.”

LiveVox is the provider of the Private VoIP Cloud™ with integrated contact center applications. The patented, PCI-certified LiveVox platform utilizes a burstable, redundant IP/MPLS mesh to deliver cloud-based switching and highly scalable contact center applications such ACD, predictive dialer, IVR, call recording and business analytics. LiveVox is headquartered in San Francisco.

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