Plano, TX – The current economical climate means more and more businesses are turning to expert commercial collection agency help to recover money, and for one business debt collection agency, their new Web site makes it much easier for businesses needing help to get the answers they need.

Burt & Associates, a commercial collection agency based in Plano, TX, just unveiled their new Web site design. The new design features a more professional appearance, a free downloadable report covering the top mistakes made by businesses in the collections process, and easier access to get a quote for services.

“I really think this new look will help our prospects find what they’re looking for faster,” Jerry Curtis, CEO of Burt & Associates, said regarding the new site design. “They all have primary concerns about using an agency to help them collect money, and our new Web site really talks to those concerns and gives them the answers they need,” Curtis continued.

One feature visitors who are interested in collections will find beneficial is the ability to download a report detailing the most common mistakes made by a business in the process of collections. This information will help businesses improve their own systems for future use, according to Curtis, and will also reinforce the fact that Burt & Associates is there to help their customers.

According to the Commercial Collection Agency Association, which Burt & Associates is a member of, business bankruptcy filings are up 41.6 % compared to June 2007. This means that business accounts will be harder & harder to collect on, as more businesses struggle in this economical climate.

For that reason, a report such as the one offered on the Burt & Associates Web site might be helpful in directing a business manager on how to modify the collection practices to be more effective.

“Overall, the biggest change we’ve made on the Web site is making it easier for our prospects to get a quote. When a business needs to turn an account over, it should be as simple & effortless as possible… the last thing they need is more hassle or red tape,” Curtis said.

To get a first hand look at the new Burt & Associates Web site, visit You can also contact Jerry Curtis at 1-877-740-7839 for more information about their commercial collection services.



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