by Mike Bevel,

Convergys, a global call center shop, has picked Longview, Texas, as it?s newest location.

?These jobs are very good jobs, particularly entry level positions,” John Stroud, Executive Director of the Longview Economic Development Corporation, told Texas?s KLTV.

Convergys will be setting up a customer service call center, serving major companies like Time Warner and ATT&T.

“Being that the Goodyear plant in Tyler’s closing and Tyler Pipe just had a major layoff, we need all the jobs we can in this area to help those people secure stability for their families and get back to work,” says Theo Carpenter, a former Goodyear employee.

The East Texas Workforce Center is accepting applications for these jobs starting Tuesday. Convergys says nearly all of the new jobs will be filled locally. The calling center will be fully operational by March of 2008. That’s when all 500 employees will be there. But they hope to have around 300 employees by the end of their first year.

Next Article: Collection Agency Moving, Hoping to Expand
