By Kristen Bremner, DM News

The “bill-me” segment of the direct marketing industry, prompted by the rising cost of direct mail, is working to reduce expenditures related to the collection of payments from consumers, according to one executive in the field. “The postal rate increase has forced the collection departments to think of other, less-costly means to affect collection of the high-volume, low-ticket direct marketing industry products,” said Direct Marketing Credit Association president Robert Hawkins, who also is senior director of credit operations at Rodale Inc., Emmaus, PA.

The DMCA is a trade group of credit professionals from major mailers in the bill-me segment of direct marketing including Bookspan, BMG Columbia House, Scholastic, International Masters Publishers, Reader’s Digest and Publishers Clearing House. Hawkins addressed more than 100 credit and collection executive members and guests on the topic of decreasing collection expenses at the DMCA holiday meeting last month.

For this complete story, please visit Bill-Me Marketers Seek Cost Cuts in Collection.

Next Article: Job Growth Slows to 108,000 in December
